Publications, Resources and Downloads
Our dedicated volunteers make up the Club’s Executive Committee which is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Club’s lifesaving activities.
Duties of the Executive Committee include the development and implementation of lifesaving services, communication with members and the community about the services the Club provides, ensuring the duties of club members are performed properly, and management of the Club’s finances.
For a full list of positions and position holders, please see below:
- President: Di Lengui
- Deputy President: Peter Hourn
- Treasurer: Lyn Hourn
- Secretary: Craig Hunter-Smith
- Junior Activities Chair: Amanda Janssen
- Club Captain: Tiffany Di Ianni
Life membership recognises the dedication and outstanding contribution members have made to the Club. Life members are nominated at the Annual General Meeting and are selected by the Club’s Executive Committee.
To view the full list of Marcoola SLSC’s life members, please click see more below.
Marcoola SLSC has in place a Code of Conduct which outlines the standard of behaviour that all members must adhere to, to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all Club members. Depending on members’ roles and responsibilities within the Club, they may be bound by additional codes of conduct.
For more information and to read the Club’s Codes of Conduct, please contact the club.
Marcoola SLSC produces a number of publications regarding our club, operations, strategy and member policies and conduct:
- Annual Reports
- Code of Conduct
- Member’s Handbook
- Nippers Handbook
- Child Protection